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Justin Schwartz

"Why We Prefer Design-Build for Sustainable Projects"

Title: "Why We Prefer Design-Build for Sustainable Projects"

What’s happening out there guys, I'm the architect behind REGEN, a Boise-based firm specializing in sustainable and high-performance building design. I want to share with you why I'm a big fan of the design-build delivery method for our projects. Let's chat about it, and I promise not to make it sound like a sales pitch!

Managing costs and expectations is a critical component in our line of work. Design-build, with its integrated project delivery, is our secret sauce. It helps ensure that our vision aligns perfectly with the result. Plus, it's a time and money-saver. How? Well, let's dive in.

In design-build, you, the owner, team up with a single entity to handle both design and construction. No more bouncing between architects and contractors, which is what happens with the traditional design-bid-build method.

Now, you might be wondering why design-build is particularly great for sustainable buildings. Here are the down-to-earth reasons:

1. Integrated Delivery: When you go design-build, everyone involved in the project is on the same page from day one. This unity is essential for achieving ambitious sustainability goals, as it helps the team identify and tackle potential challenges early on.

2. Early Contractor Involvement: The contractor gets a seat at the design table right from the get-go. This means they can provide valuable insights and cost-saving ideas, making your project more sustainable and cost-effective.

3. Risk Sharing: With design-build, the design-builder shoulders most of the project's risks. This peace of mind lets you deal with a single point of contact, streamlining any issues that might pop up during construction.

Here's how this all plays out for sustainability:

· Energy Efficiency: The design and build teams work hand in hand to create an energy-efficient, eco-friendly building. This involves strategies like passive solar design, high efficiency insulation, and energy-saving appliances. We'll even make sure the construction details and costs match your sustainability and finish preferences.

· Water Conservation: Our site analysis helps us pinpoint opportunities for water conservation, with features like rainwater harvesting, low-flow plumbing, and water-efficient landscaping.

· Material Selection: The design and build teams work together to pick out sustainable materials, including recycled, renewable, or locally sourced options. Sometimes, we get creative with upcycling or utilize site-sourced materials to make our project as eco-friendly as possible.

So, in a nutshell, the design-build method is our go-to for delivering sustainable buildings. It's all about integrated delivery, early contractor involvement, and risk sharing – the perfect recipe for a successful project.

But wait, there's more!

Integrated Project Delivery (IPD):

Besides design-build, IPD offers a bunch of other benefits too. It fosters:

· Improved Communication and Collaboration: IPD teams are like a well-oiled machine, thanks to their shared goals and mutual understanding of the project. Expect better communication and coordination all around.

· Reduced Risks and Disputes: With everyone invested in the project's success, IPD teams are great at spotting and dealing with risks early on. Fewer disputes and delays – now that's a win.

· Increased Innovation: Creative problem-solving is encouraged in IPD teams, leading to more sustainable and cost-effective designs. That's how we keep things fresh and exciting!

To sum it up, design-build and integrated project delivery are game-changers for construction projects, but they're especially well-suited for sustainable buildings. They reduce risks, improve communication, and spark innovation, all in the pursuit of beautiful, cost-effective, and eco-friendly projects. Take a look at some of our projects and don’t hesitate to reach out.

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